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80+ degrees

I asked for a warm weather, but a HOT weather came along. For some reason, I am definitely not complaining; I will take a hot day over a cold day any day.
I guess that's the effect of growing up in a warm country hahaha! I really took advantage of the warm day--my outfit did the talking hehehe!
I want a Venetian mask. Does anyone know where I can get a good and affordable pairs????
Could you guys believe that today is the last day of April!!! My month [MAY] actually begins tomorrow. I was born in May, which means my BDay is fast approaching and I have been procrastinating on my plans for that day, so I doubt if I can pull through with what I want to do for my Bday. Well, I still have couple weeks to go.
**Thank God Tomorrow is Friday Yippeee!!!!

Thanks so so much for all you love and comments.

Obama’s First 100 Babes

Well, for better or worse, we’ve made it through the first 100 days of the Obama presidency. There’s been a few ups, a few downs and whole hell of a lot of people acting like total douchebags. But regardless of whether or not you think Obama’s first 100 days has been a success, there’s one thing we can all agree on - super hot chicks! So we’ve compiled the loveliest lady from each day of the first 100 days of the Obama presidency to give you Obama’s First 100 Babes!