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The Best Villains

In a survey conducted by lovefilm.com, Hannibal Lecter played by Antony Hopkins has been voted the ultimate villain.

Darth Vader from the 'Star Wars' played by David Prowse and voiced by James Earl Jones comes in second.
Joe Pesci's portrayal of Tommy DeVito in 'Goodfellas' occupies the third place.
The emotionless, compassionless killing machine Anton Chigurh enacted by Javier Bardem in 'No Country for Old Men' has been ranked fourth.

The fifth most villanious villain is Hans Gruber from 'Die Hard' played by Alan Rickman.
The only female villain in the top ten villain's list is Kathy Bates' portrayal of Annie Wilkes in 'Misery'.
Kevin Spacey's character John Doe in 'Se7ev' comes in at, obviously, at the seventh place.
Jack Nicolson as Jack Torrance in 'The Shining' fills in the eighth slot.
The mesmerising Joker played by Heath Ledger in 'The Dark Night' is last but one in the top ten villains list.

The real-life-inspired character of Chicago gangster Al Capone played by Robert De Niro in 'The Untouchables' completes the list.