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The 9 Most Memorable Celebrity Blow-Ups on Tape

Celebrities have bad days just like the rest of us. Unfortunately, there are usually still recording devices nearby when they have those bad days. Unfortunately for them that is. Fortunate for us, because that means we get to hear them. And here are 9 of our favorites. 

9- Chris Berman

Somehow, the fact that a sportscaster like Chris Berman has a nasty temper really doesn't come as much of a surprise. So when some people are walking around during his shot it's pretty expected that he would freak out on them and throw a little tantrum. But what really makes this one memorable is his inability to let it go. Every time he takes a breath you think his rant is over, but nope, he gets riled up again and has to keep repeating how shocked he is that his amateur crew would dare to distract him from his craft. Chris, you're reading footbal scores off a prompter buddy. It's not like they walked through your monologue during a production of Hamlet. 

8- Orson Welles

Orson Welles was one of the greatest filmmakers of all time, producing the classic Citizen Kane as well as many other legendary films. Yet, in the age of Youtube, what Orson is best remembered for is getting very mad about peas. When a visionary like Welles is asked to do voiceover work for a simple peas commercial, he cannot help but get involved creatively, insisting that the script (for a pea commercial) is not up to par and that they should allow him to insert his own re-writes. I guess he was determined to make the Citizen Kane of pea commercials. 

7- Casey Kasem

Casey Kasem made himself into a radio star thanks to his always peppy, soothing, friendly voice that he would use to introduce the hits of the day and dedicate songs over the air. But what does it sounds like when that voice is delivering not so pleasant lines? Casey answered that when he went on a tirade about the fact that an up-beat song led into a dedication about a dead dog. If any young people ever heard this recording they could be scarred for life, wondering why Shaggy from Scooby Doo was angrily talking about a dead dog. 

6- Alec Baldwin

Right now Alec Baldwin is at the top of his game, earning rewards left and right for his work on 30 Rock. But just a couple years ago things weren't so hot for poor Alec, who was caught on tape applying his impeccible ability to insult towards his daughter for avoiding his phone calls. It all culminates in the climactic "rude, thoughtless little pig" comment that Alec will never fully live down. And to be fair to Alec, his daughter might actually be a rude little pig. And even though it was less hurtful to the family name than any of Steven's acting roles, it was still inappropriate and Alec attempted to smooth things over by supposedly asking to be let out of his 30 Rock contract, which was promptly denied. And thank goodness, because his hilarity on that show is far more important than a healthy relationship with his daughter.

5- Bjork

Right off the bat, let's get one thing straight. Some paparazzi can be a-holes. Whether they're invading on the intensely personal moment of childbirth or killing princesses, the hardcore scoop stealers can be demonic from the cradle to the grave. Celebs know that, and have been giving them grief for years. Most celeb-paparazzi encounters, as violent as they look, are justifiable given the ravenous nature of the newshound. When you beat down a woman with a microphone because she said "Welcome to Bangkok," then you might be acting a bit crazy. Even for Bjork. 

4- Christian Bale

Bale is a notorious method actor with a temper, but this onslaught of abuse aimed at one crew member is surprisingly mean for even him. The poor guy just went to check on the lights (you know, his job) and Bale flips out because it is interrupting his important scene from the new Terminiator movie. Even with the steroids I bet Arnold never pulled anything like this in his Terminator days. Then again Christian Bale was also arrested for assault on his own mother and sister, so maybe the unlucky crew member got off lucky.

3- David O. Russel

Is there even anything that can be said about this wonderful clip of just how angry a movie set can become? Lily Tomlin's constant whining finally leads to I Heart Huckabees director David O. Russel to flip out, challenging himself to see how many profanities he can lace together and direct at Tomlin. However, the true magic is watching the other actors trying to block out the awkwardness and just ignoring the chaos around them. Not to mention that Russel seems to continue directing even in his fight, walking out of frame in one direction and coming through a door on the opposite side of the set only a moment later. Even when calling Tomlin the c-word he keeps up the movie magic!

2- Bill O'Reilly 

"F*** it, we'll do it live!" No line ever uttered before or after that has quite captured the anger inside Bill O'Reilly, who has made a career out of yelling at people. But Papa Bear O'Reilly became an internet phenomenon when one video of his outrages was released decades after it was originally taped. In it, he yells at his crew for messing up his teleprompter in an attempt to cover his own failings as a news anchor who apparently can't read. 

1- Michael Richards

Oh Kramer, you learned the lesson that Dog the Bounty Hunter and a few other celebrities have faced the hard way: you cannot lace an angry rant with the n-word and expect that no one is going to care. So when Kramer tried to save his bombing set at a comedy club by throwing racial slurs at people in the front row of his show he crossed the line into hate-speech, cementing himself in history as "that weirdo from Seinfeld who is actually a big racist." Not to mention also insane. If anyone can explain the comment about hanging them upside down and putting a fork in their ass 50 years ago I'd love to hear it, because I don't remember that particular chapter in my American history book. Then Richards put the final nail in the awkward, prejudiced coffin by referring to black people as "Afro-Americans" during his apology on Letterman.