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The Best Micro-Photographs

 Mouse colon

Cell nuclei of the mouse colon (740x) Two-Photon fluorescence microscopy

Cyanobacteria and a diatom

Nostoc cyanobacteria and diploneis diatom (100x) Bright-field microscopy

Aquatic worm

Spirorbis sp. (aquatic worm) (100x) Confocal microscopy

Spiny headed mat-rush

Lomandra longifolia (Spiny-headed mat rush) (100x) Confocal (3-laser) microscopy 

Transgenic nicotiana

Transgenic Nicotiana benthamiana plant (10x) Fluorescence microscopy 

Rat retina
Fluorescing filamentous green alga (60x) Confocal microscopy 

 Clematis seed

Seed of a Clematis vitalba shrub (also known as Traveller's Joy and Old Man's Beard) (2x) Dark-field microscopy

Green algae

Fluorescing filamentous green alga (60x) Confocal microscopy

 Moth wing

Wing scales of a Urania ripheus (Sunset Moth) (6.25x) Reflected-light microscopy

Sapphire substrate
Two m-plane sapphire substrates (100x) Dark-field microscopy