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The 7 Weirdest UFO Sightings Caught on Tape in 2009

Flying Pyramid over Red Square, Moscow.

Country: Russia Date: 12/18/09

A large flying pyramid resembling something out of Star Wars appears in the sky above Moscow’s Red Square. Numerous citizens see the pyramid and immediately pull out their camera phones to record the UFO. They then promptly upload the videos to YouTube. The following video shows the pyramid shot during the day.

And here it is shot at night in a longer video - note how the pyramid moves behind the power lines so the UFO cannot be a reflection.

Strange Spiral Spinning over Military Base, Tromso.

Country: Norway Date: 12/09/09

A curious spiral light is seen by countless citizens of Tromso, Norway floating over a military base. Concerned citizens believe they have seen a UFO though it is later reported that the spiral was caused by a test-flight of a new Russian missile named The Bulava. The world is immediately scared to learn that the Russians appear to be building missiles that can create black holes.

Bizarre UFO Clouds

Country: Moscow Date: 10/07/09

Another UFO sighting caught on tape and again in Moscow, Russia. A bizarre halo-like cloud appeared in the Moscow skyline leaving residents questioning whether they had just witnessed a ’star gate portal’ or the best advertising campaign for a game on the XBox 360 ever….

UFO over King’s Dominion, Virginia.

Country: USA Date: 06/13/2009

An eery floating ring is sighted - this time in Virgina, USA. People speculate that what they are seeing is a smoke ring caused by near-by attractions in the theme park, however these are discounted by numerous Internet experts who conclude that the UFO is the exhaust fumes from an Alien spacecraft using special Alien fuel.

Fireball sears through Sky, Austin.

Country: USA Date: 2/15/2009

Some sort of fireball is caught on tape during the filming of a marathon in Austin, Texas early 2009. Speculation suggested that the fireball was falling debris from two satellites that collided above Siberia however no debris was ever found on the ground.

UFO Cylinder Floats over Somerset.

Country: UK Date: 2/13/09

Just days before the fireball is spotted descending towards Austin, Texas - amateur footage of a strange UFO in the shape of a cylinder is filmed floating above fields of Somerset, England. Speculation is rife that the footage shows a ‘Reptilian Draco Craft’ with a ‘knackered cloaking device’. Numerous people note that David Icke lives in the vicinity, and speculate that the UFO might have been sent on a mission to capture the former professional goalkeeper/conspiracy theorist extraordinaire.