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Maxed out by jadore-fashion.com
Hope everyone had a lovely weekend. I wore this dress to celebrate mother's day with my mom and family. I love the colors of the dress...sexy, edgy, & vibrant!
I can't believe my birthday is next Sunday--I am accepting gifts :) 
Maxed out by jadore-fashion.com

Maxed out by jadore-fashion.com
Maxed out by jadore-fashion.com

Maxed out by jadore-fashion
Outfit: H&M dress & earrings, vintage bag, Macy's scarf as turban, Michael Kors watch, Forever21 rings
Anyway, it is time for another GIVEAWAY. This time, I am giving away two of my favorite lipstick at the moment, which are Ruby Woo by MAC and Make up forever #15.

Here are the rules:
  • Follow me Google, Facebook, Bloglovin, or Twitter
  • Leave a comment letting me know you entered for the giveaway
  • Last day to enter in May 16th at 11:59pm
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    *Thanks to Shasie for the "One Lovely Blog Award". I will post the 7 facts that accompanies the award on my next post.