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8 Surprisingly Hot Wikipedia Entries

Did you know that this online encyclopedia can also be a place to find surprisingly hot women and other sexy stuff? Here's eight of the most surprisingly hot articles currently on Wikipedia.

Tanga - What's a tanga? I have no idea, but it has something to do with underwear and it'll lead you right to a hot-ass Wiki page with a bunch of cuties in thongs.

Gluteal cleft - The gluteal cleft is described as "the groove or crack between the buttocks that runs from just below the sacrum to the perineum." If that doesn't get you turned on, the picture of this anonymous hottie's backside accompanying this Wiki definitely will.

Saint Andrew's Cross – Boring religious artifact or some weird/hot bondage thing with a woman tied to it? One way to find out. (Hint: this is Holy Taco, not the Holy Bible).

Upskirt - Normally you’d feel like a perv trolling for upskirt shots on the internet, but on Wikipedia, it’s just research. And boy, do they got a great example up there.

Chocolate and Cheese - Sounds kinda tasty, but how could this be hot? Our music snob friends will recall that this was a Ween album, but Wikipedia reminds us that the album cover is one of the sexiest ever. (Featuring some elusive underboob).

Tinea Versicolor - Our doctor friends will tell you this is a gross fungus. What they won't say, however, is why on its Wiki page is an accompanying photo of some lady playing with her boobs. (Just overlook the disgusting fungus covering her torso.)

Retarded Ejaculation - Despite it's name, this isn't some drooling, helmeted dude getting a little love on the short bus. Also known as "delayed reaction," this physical ailment occurs when a guy can't ejaculate. And while women rarely complain when their husband comes down with this, the therapy for this this condition involves "homework" where "...step by step a man learns to ejaculate closer and closer to the vagina. In the final stage a woman inserts her partner's penis into her vagina as soon as she realizes he is about to ejaculate. Thus a man gradually learns to ejaculate inside the vagina." Let's hope the dog doesn't eat this homework.