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24 Pics Of Baby Elephants Being Circus Trained

As former Ringling Brothers employees have described, there is a culture of abuse at the circus that includes the constant use of bull hooks and other weapons on the elephants and keeping the elephants chained for most of their lives.

During the initial days, the young elephant is dragged to the training area against its will. This often cruel and painful process is intended to “break the will” of the young elephant and gain its total submission. This process normally takes about a week.
Afterwards, the young elephant is tied to a wooden frame or between two trees, where it can’t move, but it tries over and over again to break free from the rope. The trainer uses the tactics of fear, pain, hunger, and thirst until the elephant stops resisting and totally submits. As the elephant starts to accept its fate, the trainer will allow it to take a bath and eat.
The disturbing picture is taken by a former trainer with hiden camera which campaigners say reveal the brutal reality of how elephants are prepared for circus work.