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10 Celebrities Whose Boobs Are Just “Too Big”

1. Lindsay Lohan: “Too Big To Work”

Film chiefs where not happy with the size of Lindsay Lohans breasts and have reportedly spent $millions on CGI to reduce them for the film Herbie: Fully Loaded.

This could mean that Lindsey might find its harder to gain work in future unless she reduces her assets via surgery.

2. Dolly Parton: “Nothing But Pain”

Dolly Parton’s breasts are as famous as her country music but she says they cause her nothing but pain. The 62 year old now requires eight weeks of rest to deal with the back pain of carrying these puppies around on tour.

3. Ulrika Jonsson: “Repulsed By Her Breasts”

Ulrika Jonsson sad she was truly repulsed by her breasts during pregnancy, and said that “women with larger breasts, are often subjected to other people judging their character by their body shape.”

4. Kelly Osbourne: “I Want No Bra”

Kelly Osbourne has been open that she hates her boobs, and that she wants a size B or C so that she wont require a bra. She plans to use breast reduction surgery to achieve her goal of smaller breasts.

5. Pamela Anderson: “Wants Her Original State”

Admittedly, as attractive as she was before surgery, she would not have become the celebrity icon she is today if it was not for her large implants. However in 1999, the Baywatch star was not happy with her big breasts and chose to remove them so she could go back to her “original state”.”

6. Jodie Marsh: “Just Plain Disgusting”

If you ask us, it just looks like Jodie Marsh’s implants are too big for her breast and chest wall. It appears that she has very little actual breast tissue, just massive implants. We just think that this is just too fake looking and would propose that she should look to reduce these babies via surgery.

7. Serena Kozakura: “Too Big To Steal”

This buxom Japanese model found out that her large breasts meant she could not make a career out of burglary. A court found her innocent of a crime after it was proven that she could not squeeze through a window due to the size of her bosom.

8. Chantelle Houghton: “Second Thoughts About Surgery”

The attractive star of British celebrity big brother – Chanttelle says that she is having second thoughts about cosmetic surgery to increase her chest from a B to a 32E. She told Heat magazine that “I wish I’d never had them done.”

Poor Chantelle now has to visit a doctor twice a week to deal with the back pain of having such heavy implants.

9. Courtney Love: “Hardening And Ripples”

In case you haven’t been awake since ‘92 , Courtney love was lead singer of the 90’s band Hole and wife of now deceased Kurt Cobain. Whilst at first she was happy with her larger breasts, she later reduced their size due to breast hardening and the appearance of ripples on her boobs.

10. Chelsea Charms: “11.8kg Per Breast”

To be fair, Chelsea is not much of a celebrity, but she does have a Wikipedia page! Unlike the rest of the celebrities here, Chelsea has used her super large breasts to create a career in the entertainment industry.

Now I don’t know about you, but I think these 10000cc –11.8kg breasts are just too big! Or is “too big” just not in your vocabulary?