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60 Hottest Women In Sports Movies

No. 60: Julie Bowen - Happy Gilmore

I loved her in Happy Gilmore. She was leggy, could play some hockey, and dressed up in lingerie holding two pitchers of beer while walking through sprinklers. In my book, that gets you an automatic bid to a list like this.

No. 59: Christine Taylor - Dodgeball

Hot, athletic, and she looked way better in an S&M outfit than of those other guys in Dodgeball. I think it's safe to say Christina Taylor had our hearts even before she made out with another woman at the end of the movie.

No. 58: Brooke Langton - The Replacements

I've said it before and I'll say it again. A hot chick + sports knowledge + cheerleader + witty personality = dream girl.

No. 57 and 56: Geena Davis & Madonna - A League Of Their Own

I admit, I think A League of Their Own is a pretty decent sports movie. And just like there's no crying in baseball, don't start crying about these two making the list. They were both sexy in their own way in this movie. I would have been thrilled to get with Geena Davis after I saw it.

No. 55: Courtney Cox - The Longest Yard

Courtney Cox could have basically been billed as "Courtney Cox's cleavage" in this movie, because that was all anybody was looking at the whole time. That totally came out of left field.

No. 54: Jenna Fischer - Blades of Glory

Question: When is a movie about male figure skaters okay to watch? Answer: When it stars Will Ferrell and includes a scene with Jenna Fischer in lingerie.

Glad I could clear that up.

No. 53: Marisa Tomei - The Wrestler

I have a soft spot for Marisa Tomei. I've loved her since My Cousin Vinny and when she showed up in one of the best sports movies of the decade as a stripper, taking it off for the camera and showing that she still looks good, well she earned herself a solid spot on this list.

No. 52: Michelle Rodriguez - Girl Fight, Blue Crush

Many people don't find Michelle Rodriguez that attractive. I personally had a hard time seeing her that way when I saw her do an interview where she wiped her pit with her hand, then shook another guy's hand with that same one. But she has pulled double-duty in sports movies and plays tough/sexy better than almost anyone. Gotta keep her on here.

No. 51: Robyn Douglass - Breaking Away

Narrowly edging out Lori Loughlin in Rad for the hottest chick in a movie about biking, Robyn Douglass made all of us guys want to jump on a bike to impress her. Or stand outside her sorority house and serenade her. Hey, it worked in the movie.

No. 50: Ashanti - Coach Carter

A movie about underprivileged basketball players trying to get out of a hopeless situation? Better throw in a baby mama, and I have to say that you could do a lot worse than Ashanti.

No. 49: Rosario Dawson - He Got Game

Denzel Washington seems to dominate pretty much any movie he's in, but Rosario Dawson still managed to stand out in He Got Game. The short topless scene certainly didn't hurt.

No. 48: Janet Gunn - The Quest

Any movie with Jean-Claude Van Damme is going to be short on acting, but long on ass-kicking. Movies like Bloodsport and Kickboxer were great, but The Quest definitely brought out the big guns...and by that I mean Janet Gunn, whose sexy self gave us one more reason to watch than a bunch of guys beating the crap out of each other.

No. 47: Sanaa Lathan - Love & Basketball

Both her and Omar Epps were the basketball part of Love & Basketball, but for my money, Sanaa Lathan carred the love aspect. She looked just as good in a jersey and shorts and she does in a black dress and high heels.

No. 46: Rene Russo - Major League, Tin Cup

Looking for a sexy woman to get chased by the lead role in your sports movie? Look no further than Rene Russo. She has perfected the part in Major League and Tin Cup. Not that I'm complaining. She plays coy with just the right amount of tease to make things interesting.

No. 45: Vanessa Angel - Kingpin

Bowling is all about focus. So when Vanessa Angel steps up in a skirt that leaves almost nothing to the imagination, I would venture to say that people would have a hard time focusing. That's exactly what they were aiming for with this red outfit from heaven, and I think they nailed it in this movie.

No. 44 and 43: Kiera Knightly & Parminder Nagra - Bend It Like Beckham

A chick flick disguised as a sports movie is okay as long as it showcases some lovely ladies. Who cares if they were younger when the movie came out, they obviously had loads of hottie potential.

No. 42 and 41: Elisabeth Shue & Hilary Swank - The Karate Kid Movies

Elisabeth Shue was hot enough to inspire Daniel-san in the first Karate Kid, then Hilary Swank came along for a fourth installment that showed that girls can look good and kick butt at the same time. Looking at these two, it's a shame that only Mr. Miyagi was around for all four films. Give me some more women, Karate Kid!

No. 40: Kelly Preston - Jerry Maguire, For the Love of the Game

She was delightfully bad in Jerry Maguire, then just bad in For the Love of the Game, but Kelly Preston is welcome in my sports movie anytime. Especially if she has another sex scene like in Jerry Maguire.

No. 39: Diane Lane - Hardball

I was pleasantly surprised when my favorite cougar showed up in a movie about Keanu Reeves coaching an inner city little league team. If she was the trophy, I'd be all about going to "the 'ship."

No. 38: Kathy Ireland - Necessary Roughness

It was groundbreaking to have the supermodel actually be one of the players for once in sports movie history. I still think we could have had a few more scenes where she was dressed like this, but I'll take what I can get.

No. 37: Shawna Waldron - Little Giants

Okay, so she was just a little girl in Little Giants, but Icebox grew into a woman, and I mean a woman. So for that fun tidbit, I present to you Shawna Waldron. Good luck watching that movie without feeling like a creep ever again.

No. 36: Marguerite Moreau - The Mighty Ducks Movies

Did you watch all of the Mighty Ducks movies? Well, you may have missed a hottie who was there for the entire ride. That's right, Connie Moreau, the girl who hung with the boys in all the movies turned out to be quite the vixen when she grew up.

No. 35: Kim Basinger - The Natural

Just like Roy Hobbs, Kim Basinger was a natural hottie and she has stuck around to be a really hot older woman. That's what we call a seasoned veteran in the sports world.

No. 34: Danica McKellar - Sidekicks

A movie about a kid that daydreams about fighting alongside Chuck Norris? You had me at hello, even before I knew that the Winnie from wonder years was in it.

It's nice to see when your childhood crush continues to look hot and totally doesn't get fat (Tapanga, I'm looking at you).

No. 33 and 32: Estella Warren & Gina Gershon - Driven

When I watched this incredibly awful racing movie, it certainly wasn't for the aging Sly Stallone. It was for these beauties. One young, one old, both drool-worthy in their own special ways.

No. 31 and 30: Jenny Robertson & Susan Surandon - Bull Durham

Susan Surandon may have gotten top billing in one of the best baseball movies of all time, but you have to admit you were turned on just as much by Jenny Roberston as Millie, the team's groupie.

No. 29: Rose McGowan - Ready To Rumble

Ready To Rumble was a pretty goofy movie about wrestling, but at least it gave us Rose McGowan. She's got that look about her like she just wants to put you in a headlock, and you would gladly let her.

No. 28: Cindy Morgan - Caddyshack

If you've seen Caddyshack, you have done at least two things:

One, you've quoted Bill Murry more than once. And two, you've fantasized about Cindy Morgan—many, many times.

No. 27: Nikki Reed - Lords of Dogtown

I like to have at least one representative from all kinds of sports movies, and Nikkie Taylor has the distinct pleasure of being the hottest woman from any skateboarding movie. She was definitely not a dog in Lords of Dogtown.

No. 26: Kate Bosworth - Blue Crush, Remember The Titans

Whether she was a cool surfer chick in Blue Crush or a racist girlfriend who eventually came around in Remember the Titans, we love Kate Bosworth either way.

No. 25: Amber Heard - Never Back Down, Friday Night Lights

We start our list off with Amber Heard, who has pulled sports movie double-duty with the excellent Friday Night Lights and the mindless Never Back Down. All that really matters is that she was really hot in both.

No. 23: Noureen DeWulf - The Comebacks

When you're making a sports movie spoof and you're casting a women to play Kathy Ireland's part from Necessary Roughness, you know she has got a lot to live up to. Noureen DeWulf definitely passed with flying colors. I would put her on my team any day.

No. 22: Sarah Roemer - Fired Up!

Is cheerleading a sport? Well, if you can call golf a sport and a 59-year-old man almost wins a major this year, I think it's safe to say that these girls are better athletes, so I would say it's a sport. Plus, it allows me to put the sexy Sarah Roemer in this list, and that's all the convincing I need.

No. 21: Nicole Kidman - Days of Thunder

This sexy Aussi drove me crazy in the NASCAR film, Days of Thunder. With that curly hair and fiery attitude, she definitely got me all revved up.

No: 20 and 19: Ali Larter & Amy Smart - Varsity Blues

Amy Smart was the hot good-girl in Varsity Blues, but even she would make it say hard to say no to bad-girl Ali Larter in a whipped cream bikini. That edible outfit may have been the greatest article of "clothing" ever worn in a sports movie.

No. 18: Maggie Q - Balls of Fury

I'll watch a stupid movie about ping pong if it involves Maggie Q. She's so hot, she doesn't even need a full last name; just a letter.

No. 17: Missy Peregrym - Stick It

Normally, gymnastic movies don't seem that enticing, but when Missy Peregrym shows up as a rebellious, bad girl gymnast, let's just say I'll show up to watch her stick a landing or two.

No. 16 and 15: Halle Berry & Kristy Swanson - The Program

If you're going to do a movie about corruption in college sports and all of the temptations that athletes face, you can't do much better than having Halle Berry and Kristy Swanson as two of those temptations. I wouldn't be able to walk in a straight line, much less play a football game if those two were on the sideline.

No. 14: Elizabeth Banks - Invincible, Seabiscuit

Elizabeth Banks has slowly, but steadily, climbed into one of my favorite hotties out there.

Not only is she funny and incredibly sexy, but she even pulled double sports movie duty. She's the kind of woman I know I can bank on.

No. 13: Cameron Diaz - Any Given Sunday

I can forgive a woman for being a cold-hearted bitch if she looks like Cameron Diaz. Hell, I can forgive a woman for being a mass murderer if she looks like Cameron Diaz. She definitely makes this football flick sizzle.

No. 12: Charlize Theron - The Legend of Bagger Vance

With Charlize Theron distracting me, I don't think even Will Smith as a wise and mysterious caddie could get me to focus. I'm not even sure I would even want to go play golf if she was at home.

No. 11: Jenny McCarthy - BASEketball

BASEketball is an underrated movie in my opinion, and Jenny McCarthy is a big reason why. She may not be the best actress of all time, but when you look like that, you really don't have to in order to win my respect.

No. 10 and 9: Amy Adams & Leslie Bibb - Talladega Nights

If I'm Will Ferrell and I have these two women as my love interests in the same movie, I have to think that I'm doing pretty well in life.

No. 8: Molly Sims - The Benchwarmers, Fired Up!

I can believe a lot of unbelievable stuff in sports movies. Last minute shots go in about 98 percent of the time, and that's okay with me. But Molly Sims being married to Rob Schneider's character? I'm not sure I can get on board with that. But at least it gives us a reason to put this picture of Ms. Sims in here.

No. 7: Rebecca Romijn - Rollerball

Rollerball really sucked as a sport, and especially as a movie, but when Rebecca Romijn put on those skates, I watched it with the intensity of the Super Bowl. I would watch that woman pick weeds, much less skate around in a revealing outfit.

No. 6: Jessica Biel - Summer Catch

Derek Jeter wasn't the only one who had to pick which Jessica he liked better. With both ladies appearing in sports movies, I'm happy to report that both somehow made it onto this list. And both with movies that I wouldn't touch with a 10-foot pole again, but at least it allows me to post sexy pictures of them on here. Let's be thankful for that.

No. 5: Jessica Alba - The Love Guru

As if hockey didn't annoy me enough, they had to make The Love Guru. Good thing it involved Jessica Alba so I could distract myself from annoying pun after annoying pun.

No. 4 and 3: Gabrielle Union & Kirsten Dunst - Bring It On

The two leading women of Bring It On certainly brought the heat when it came to this cheerleading flick. They were even enough to get guys to watch the movie, although no one really admits it. But the real stars of this were...

No. 2 and 1: Eliza Dushku & Hayden Panettiere - The Bring It On Movies

These two. Eliza Dushku stole the show in the first Bring It On and even though Hayden Panattiere didn't show up until a ridiculous third movie, I would save that cheerleader any time.

The Bring It On movies get the nod for the top of our list because, no matter how bad or cheesy or loosely related to sports they were, they always supplied some of the most delicious eye candy on the planet.