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The 7 Funniest Moments In People's Court History

The People's Court has been resolving disputes between ignorant people for over 25 years. Basically the ignorant people end up on the People's Court because the American legal system doesn't want to deal with their ignorant claims. Then ignorant people plead their cases before a People's Court judge who explains why they're both ignorant before making a ruling which neither of the ignorant people really understand. After that, the ignorant people say something ignorant to the People's Court reporter outside the courtroom, go home and continue being ignorant for the rest of their lives.

#7 The "Women Can't Drive" Guy - Apparently he didn't hear about a recent study conducted by State Farm Insurance which showed that women are stastistically better drivers than men.

#6 Judge Milian Flips Out - Hell hath no fury for a woman scored and hell hath absolutely nothing on Judge Milian.

#5 The Rear-Ending Intro - Most men would be thrilled to be accused of such a thing.

#4 "Crazy Eyes" Heckles Harvey Levin - If this guy would stand behind Harvey Levin during every episode of the TMZ show it would be far more entertaining.

#3 Defendant Faints - Either she just found out that Geico didn't save her 15% or more on her car insurance or someone texted her that McDonald's was bringing the McRib back.

#2 Don't Call Me Honey - I must be hard work living in a world where you're convinced that you're better than everyone.

#1 "It's Hard Being Me" - Somehow I think Burt Reynolds, Billy Dee Williams and Ron Burgandy would disagree.