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11 Funniest Famous Comedians Who Attack Religion

11. Lewis Black
Lewis Black, best known for his appearances on the Daily Show, does a fantastic bit about the Jews who wrote the Old Testament and why it’s all bullshit.

10. David Cross
David Cross, from Arrested Development and Mr. Show, discusses different aspects of religion including something the Virgin Mary did and why sometimes it isn’t appropriate for Jesus to turn water into wine.

9. Eddie Izzard

Eddie Izzard was always an irreverent and hilarious comedian. Here, he tackles the story of creation and Noah’s Ark.

8. Adam Carolla
Adam Carolla, best known from the Man Show, completely goes on a religious rant on his radio show set off by complaints against a new morning-after drug.

7. Pat Condell
Pat Condell has recently been running a vlog regarding atheism and it’s hilarious, informative and unapologetic.

6. Janeane Garofalo
Janeane Garofalo, who has often gotten into trouble for things she’s said, is the only female to crack this list. In this video, she talks about religion and gives a new suggestion to solve the abortion conflict.

5. Billy Connolly
Scottish bastard Billy Connolly declares religion to be over and explains that virgins in heaven are a punishment.

4. Bill Maher
Bill Maher has always been very outspoken about religion, including making the documentary Religilous. He doesn’t tone down his attitude in this clip.

3. Ricky Gervais
Ricky Gervais, creator of The Office and Extras, does one of the most original analysis of the creation story.

2. Tim Minchin
Australian Tim Minchin is the only musician on the list. This video is a brilliant beat poem about him trying to hold back a rant when interacting with an outspoken woman at a party.

1. George Carlin
There was no doubt in our minds that the late, great George Carlin would make number 1 on this list. The following bit is required viewing for everyone.