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Top 10 Internet Butterfaces

For those of you who aren’t familiar with the term, a Butterface is a woman who has an exceptional body and an unexceptionally hideous face – hence but-her-face. The term (antonymous to the highly deceptive MySpace Shot) is an etymological derivative of the phrase “good from far but far from good” and can be applied to women like Amy Reid (above), Jennifer Garner, and of course Barbara Walters.

Surprisingly, Sarah Jessica Parker is not a butterface because the horseishness of her face detracts so much from the rest of her body that any heterosexual male cannot avoid picturing her visage disfiguring the physiognomy of a fully grown Clydesdale.

You’ve surely seen a few of these images floating around the intertubes but try to enjoy these 10 banged up beauties regardless.

Oh, and we have no idea how old any of these things are so please keep your pants on.