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Infectious laughter: 20 best 'corpsing' videos

There is nothing more infectious than laughter - it can even be transmitted over YouTube. Below we present 20 "corpsing" clips guaranteed to have you giggling at your computer.

 The classic sporting corpse, providing proof that few things are funnier than well-spoken English men giggling. BBC cricket commentator Brian Johnston falls to pieces after his colleague Johnathan Agnew jokes that a batsman "couldn't quite get his leg over" the stumps. Johnston's pained appeal for mercy - "Aggers, for goodness sake stop it" - is perhaps the most remembered line on British radio.

  All promotional interviews ought to be like this. Dustin Hoffman squirms, shrieks and weeps with joy at questions you really shouldn't ask someone with Jewish roots.

The cooking spot on This Morning was already verging on anarchy when the guest chef introduced a pudding connected to Lord Nelson as "Wet Nelly". Fern Britton's response: "Was he wet?", pushed Phil Schofield over the edge and gets funnier on every viewing.

The host of this Christian phone-in show does his best to appreciate a caller's monstrous singing voice, but the belly laughs soon take over.

The BBC reporter Lawrie Mayer tries - and fails - to record a series of questions to be spliced with the responses of a political interviewee. The absurdity of raising serious issues about defence procurement with an empty chair proves too much for him.

Not the finest corpse in the list, but certainly the least appropriate. Keith Hill, Labour MP for Streatham, ties himself in knots over the perilous tongue-twister "Short Sea Shipping" in a statement to the House of Commons. The only other MP visible in the near-empty chamber appears to enjoy Hill's discomfort immensely.

It is every newsreader's worst nightmare - a fit of the giggles during a serious news story. While her co-host narrates a piece about the battle for Basra during the Iraq war, Andrea Jackson of the Orlando-based Daily Buzz show goes into an inexplicable - but adorable - meltdown.


An elderly caller's unorthodox views on male-female relations so incapacitate the guest on this Croatian phone-in that the presenter is forced to bring the show to an end.

It's impossible not to smile at the excruciating laughter-pain on the face of this technology presenter, as he realises the implications of his inadvertent double entendre.

Bloopers, it turns out, are even funnier in German.

In Japan they take a sterner approach to the newsreader laughing fit. The male presenter in this clip shows inhuman levels of self control as his female co-host sniggers her way through the bulletin.


The captions on this Swedish video are not entirely suitable for work, but it is worth putting up with the choice language to enjoy the presenter's reaction to the child caller's prank-call-gone-wrong anecdote .

A couple struggle to repeat their vows between giggles after the best man suffers a wardrobe malfunction. The video is topped off with a cut-away shot to the congregation, showing a row of hysterical bridesmaids.

The Loose Women ladies and their lunchtime audience are no strangers to laughter fits, but this particular breakdown is particularly enjoyable. Never before have the words "get the vac out" provoked such mirth.

The soothing, confidential atmosphere of David Viscott's talk show is ruined when the celebrity psychiatrist slides half-way under the table.

A fairly standard case of the giggles on New Zealand television turns surreal as the afflicted host is forced to read mildly xenophobic viewer faxes: "The Japanese are always bludgeoning something to death, it's true. Honestly if you're going to be a dolphin you dont want to be in Japan."

More from breakfast news in New Zealand. This time the presenter Paul Henry resorts to elaborate facial gymnastics in an attempt to suppress his laughter, before spitting water over his co-host.

A caller, Wolfgang, misunderstands the rules of the yes/no game on German television. The presenter tries to cut him some slack, but in the end gives in to the giggles.

The late Countdown presenter Richard Whiteley garbles a viewer's story with characteristic bumbling charm.

A female presenter's segment on sperm banks meets with a predictably infantile respone from a male co-host.