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The 10 Biggest Female Celebrity Douchebags

There are plenty of female douche bags out there these days and women are the one's who actually douche, making the term much more appropriate for women. If a woman is a douchebag that means she sucks so much as a human being that men don't even care what she's looks like naked ... even if she's hot. Believe me, that's a serious problem if you're a woman.

Sarah Silverman - We get it Sarah, you think you're an attractive girl with a decent rack who says dirty things because it's supposed to be funny for a semi-attractive girl to say dirty things. We've been on to your douchey little game from the start and now that Jimmy Kimmel dumped you, it's time to go away.


Cameron Diaz - Cameron Diaz's douchiness was tolerable back in the days of The Mask when she was actually hot. Since then she has aged faster than a banana and she recently topped off her douche resume by having a movie douche-off with Ashton Kutcher in What Happens In Vegas.


Kathy Griffin - There are certain people who are such incredible douche bags that you could watch them get shot point blank in the head and laugh your ass off. Kathy Griffin is one of those douche bags.


Sarah Palin - One of the definitions of a douche bag is "somebody who is a complete retard and doesn't know anything about what they're talking about." I'd say that pretty much sums up Sarah Palin.

Victoria Beckham - Even though she has knarly fake boobs and her face looks like the dog from The Neverending Story, Vicotoria continues to walk around in clown outfits acting like she's the hottest woman on the planet. Throw in her major douche bag husband and you've got a serious case of Doucheitus.

Lindsay Lohan - Let's see ... where to begin. First of all she's dating a lesbian DJ, now she's posting topless photos of herself on Twitter and she still acts like she's sexy when she'd probably be rated a 5 or 6 by most dudes at an average Midwest frat party.


Tila Tequila - Tila is wasting air we could all be breathing. Whenver she opens her mouth, verbal vinegar comes pouring out. It's also amazing to watch her brag about how hot she is when she looks like a Vietnamese Garbage Pail Kid.

The Entire Cast Of The View - A huge part of being a douche bag is convincing yourself that you're intelligent, important and people actually care what you have to say. You know the scene in Empire Strikes Back when Chewbacca is getting totured with loud noises? That's what it's like watching 30 seconds of The View. 

Heidi Montag - She is one half of the douchiest couple in Hollywood history. The best part is Heidi actually thinks she's famous and people want to see her fake boulder tits in Playboy. Let me let you in on a little secret, sweetheart ... everyone is laughing at you, not with you.

Paris Hilton - While it pains me to put Paris #1 on any Manofest list, she simply has to be #1 on this one. Paris is a skank, loser and retard but all of these qualities are the result of her amazing inner-douche. If we find out one day that she really is a tranny, the world will make so much more sense.