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12 Bikini's That Made Us Laugh And Dread Summer More Than Usual

Summer is upon us and since we are not in caring, loving, comfortable relationships, we single ladies feel the pressure to look good. Here are some swimsuit ideas that will make you feel better of whatever choice you make this summer.

Hands-On Bikini

"Can I touch your boobs," says drunk obnoxious guy. "No thanks, I've got that covered," says single girl who went to Mardis Gras with a plan.

Spanx...Sort Of
Nothing says sexy AND classy, like airbrushed bikini bottoms. But don't devalue yourselves single ladies! Spanking us is worth way more than $2.

 Milk Nuts
You won't be single for long in this bikini! Wear it once and we guarantee you'll meet lots of squirrels out there, just trying to get a nut.

Note-Worthy Bikini
If she's doing this with Post-It Notes, what is she doing with the pens? Eeewwww.

 Begging To Be Licked
This gives a whole new meaning to "my dogs are tired." Not only are our dogs tired, but our eyes are burning too.

Tree Hugger Bikini
"No Harold, I swear. That there tree looks like a woman standing on her head. I've got to do something about this." Very artistic gentlemen. Very artistic.

Itsy Bitsy Teenie Weenie (Literally)
This guy is proving that there is a difference between White Trash and Euro Trash. Euro's are tolerant of gay people. The irony here is that this guy is actually wearing more than usual...a Speedo. 

 Middle Least 
This is a hot off the press pic of what she will be wearing in the Miss World Swimsuit competition. Perhaps she'll be able to give Perez Hilton a better answer to the gay marriage question. Look out Miss California! Burkahs bite back!

Nesting Bikini
A little birdie told us...this really itches. Yeah, itching your crotch uncontrollably is probably the best and worst way to be noticed in a bikini.

Teach A Man To Fish 
We've heard of fish net stockings, but never a fish tank bikini top! We can only imagine what the bottoms to this look like. Fish near a bikini line does not seem sexy to us. But if guys like it, does that make them bottom feeders?

Chest Hair Bikini
"Hey Ladies. My eyes are up here!" What a double standard. Whenever women shave patterns into their chest hair it's never this funny.

Birthday "Swim" Suit
"Hey Carla! You're headlights are on! And your tail-lights, and your wipers, and your engine!" Carla needs to be careful. Every man around her has his hood up right now.