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Awful, Awkward PDA

Kissing should be sexy and romantic, but sometimes it goes all wrong. Check out the awful make out moments .
It's the butterfly that really lifts the mis en scene to new heights.

Why was he kicked out of the black-tie gala? Surprisingly, it wasn't due to that striped thing he has around his neck.

These two might want to coordinate a bit more before diving into it.

Here Tony Romo exhibits the same dexterity he uses to hold field goal attempts in the playoffs.

Until the French support the war, he'll continue to refer to this as a "freedom kiss."

There's never a wrong time to check for a hernia.

Hey everybody, nerds are passionate people, too!

Eskimos rub noses, at it's a lot easier to look at.

Not everyone at the Renaissance Fair understood why they call her the milk maid.

Like that guy on the left doesn't know what's going on.

Um, is this part of the show?

We know it's called a pride parade, but is this really something to be proud of?

This may actually be an assault.

This is how heavy drinking leads to salmonella poisoning.

Needless to say, trucker cap guy had a good night.

We're guessing Justin Long lost a bet to Big Daddy Carlos.

There's a disturbance in the force.

"Don't just stand there, you idiot, get your camera!"

If she'd seen "Grizzly Man," she'd realize this relationship will end badly.

"Is that the leftover egg roll in your pocket, or are you just glad to see me?"

We're art lovers as well, just not that way.

Cindy McCain steals a quick kiss from husband John after a long day on the presidential campaign trail.

Just you wait, that camel will spit in your eye and you'll realize he's no better than the rest of 'em.

Maybe one day the public will embrace furry fetishists. Today is not that day.

If every bar had this kind of service, we'd all be drunks.

That's the same sort of shenanigans that got Vito whacked.

Here's one of the few times we've envied the bald.

Sorry, but that's not making Seal jealous.

He was sure this was the moment his eighth-grade fantasy was going to come true. And then, moments later, he was socked in the stomach.

On the other hand, we hope Barker's Beauties only display affection publicly. We'd hate to try and visualize this scenario behind closed doors.

This bear will be starring in "One Night in Paris 2."

He told her she could borrow the jacket. Then it got ugly.

You give us all hope, my friend.

Rapper T-Pain leaves kissy marks on all his awards.

The nation's best family reunions? Alabama, by far.

Dogs may be man's best friend, but they're more than friends with the ladies.

Scarlett Johansson is attacked by Dr. Seuss creations.

It gets lonely out on the range.

Wyclef has a way with women.

Halle Berry really likes fame.

Some PDA can be abrasive for other reasons.




.Gina's hand puppet wanted in on the action
... but not as much as mr. snuggles the jailhouse elephant

That is "doggie style" -- just not one we're familiar with.