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Top 10 Videos Of Hot Girls Farting

Even though they'll never admit it, women are the most powerful farters on this planet. The reason this is true is because they spend most of their lives holding them in when they're in public. Once they're in the privacy of their homes women release the butt hounds and when they do, it's not a pretty site. I just hope we can one day live in a world where women and men can fart together in perfect harmony.

#10 Cute Japanese Girl Puts On A Farting Show - The sexy schoolgirl outfit always adds a nice touch to any female farting show.


#9 Busty Girl Rips Some Chair Farts - Busty girls have a lot of bass to their farts while skinny girls commonly release "question mark farts."  

#8 Cute Girl Scrapes The Wall While Farting? - Cute girls who fart a lot are also really good at landscaping.


#7 Bootylicious Blonde Girl Rips A Long Fart - And to think that her guidance counselor told her she'd never amount to anything.

#6 Bikini Girl Rips Some Bikini Farts - This is how girls turn regular bikini bottoms into thongs.

#5 Cute Asian Girl Drinks Tea While Farting - Tea farts are extremely soothing and they're also good for the environment. 


 #4 Hot Blonde Wearing A Santa Hat Farts For Her Future Boyfriend - You simply have to love a woman who counts her off farts as she releases them.

#3 Asian Babes Farting Bonanza - This girl has what's commonly referred to as a serious case of "dad gas."


#2 Girlfriend Farting Montage - When you've found a woman who will let your videotape her farting, you put on a ring on her finger ASAP. It doesn't need to be expensive ring either because she's a girl who likes to fart.

#1 The Queen Of Farts - One day the queen of farts will marry the king of farts and they will fart happily ever after.