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The 10 Funniest Jeopardy Bloopers Of All Time

#10 Max Is Always Wrong - This guy could give Sean Connery and Burt Reynolds a run for their money.

#9 Alex Laughs In The Face Of Wrong Answers - Just once it'd be nice to see Mr. Trebek play as a contestant.

#8 Count Chocula Makes An Appearance - Dorks need to accept the fact that they should never make attempts at humor and that's all there is to say about that.

#7 Lady Confuses Johhny Cash With Chris Farley - Now if we could somehow find a way to digitally create a Chris Farley/Johnny Cash album.

#6 Contestant Says A Bad Word - What he actually says is French for "I love cheese."

#5 Alex Gets A Little Racist? - If Alex simply grow the mustache back, he wouldn't have these problems.

#4 How To Avoid Playing Final Jeopardy - There's medical proof that people with mustaches don't faint. It must be fake.

#3 Alex Has A Seizure - I would give just about anything to watch Alex get jiggy on the dance floor.

#2 Mustache Guy Faints - There's medical proof that people with mustaches don't faint. It must be fake.

#1 Ken Jennings Gets A Little Frisky - Sometimes Mormons like to verbally party.