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Jenny Lee – The Plastic Surgery Addict

Jenny Lee Burton is the 21st century’s answer to Barbie. She is beautiful, blonde and is slowly becoming 100% plastic.

However, Jenny was not always non-biodegradable. In fact, once upon a time, she was the all American girl next door. She was even voted Most Beautiful Girl by her classmates at one point. But like all teenage girls before her, Jenny Lee had a dream. Her dream was to be the most beautiful girl in the world!

But, unlike most girls with the same dream, who merely work out, learn how to expertly apply their make-up or dream of being Miss America, Jenny decided to cut to the chase and have her plastic surgeon moonlight as her fairy godmother and give her all her hearts desires, which included a nose that resembled Michael Jackson, lips that had the same pucker as Angelina Jolie’s, Jennifer Aniston’s’ jaw line, Jennifer Lopez’ profile and of course a Double D sized bust line.

Jenny’s plastic surgery romance began at around the age of 20, when her husband at the time would mock her, saying that her breasts were too small and her nose was not shaped right. The constant barrage of insults made Jenny want to change those parts of her body that her husband disliked so much. She had breast implants put in to please her husband, except, the implants got Jenny a lot more attention around town. Her husband soon became jealous of the extra attention Jenny was getting and started insulting her because she had put in implants.

Within a year and a half of her surgery, Jenny’s left implant slipped out and she had to revisit her plastic surgeon to have both implants taken out and replaced. This visit, for all intents and purposes, marks the beginning of Jenny’s modifications to her body. While there to get new implants, Jenny also had a full body liposuction and rhinoplasty done. All of her procedures at the time were still a result of being told by her husband that she was overweight and that her nose was too big.

This set a seed in Jenny’s mind, which grew into a need to constantly improve on her body. No procedure was ever good enough to be the last and no body part was good enough to be left alone.

In her early thirties today, a mother of two and married for the second time, Jenny has undergone 44 plastic surgery related procedures so far, including four rhinoplasty related surgeries, three breast enlargement procedures, liposuction on her hips, arms, stomach, thighs, knees and various other parts of her body, a complete body lift and, of course, botox. On an average, Jenny has spent around $100,000 on her obsession with plastic surgery.

Sadly, not all of her plastic surgery procedures work like a charm, all the time. One of her rhinoplasties resulted in one of her nostrils collapsing, and to this day, Jenny claims she cannot breathe through her nose like most people. There are days, she says, when she has to use cotton swabs to clear her nasal passage, to breathe better. Not doing this can cause nosebleeds and other adverse reactions. Jenny also had complications from a lip implant when the implant in her left lip ripped open, leaving her lower lip crooked.

Jenny is constantly quizzed on her need to modify and tweak her body in keeping with those of celebrities and why she cannot see that she is a beautiful woman in her own right and doesn’t need to go under the knife. In fact, it was these questions and these issues that saw Jenny appear twice on the Oprah Winfrey show

and once on Larry King Live.

The first Oprah show, which Jenny was a part of, was centred on a disorder called Body Dismorphic Disorder (BDD) that has been affecting people all across the world for some time now. Studies into the disorder indicate that BDD surfaces in the teenage years of most of the people affected by it, and gradually goes from being a general dislike of a certain aspect of their body to an obsession with the way they look and believing that they do not look like other people.

Jenny is a textbook case of someone who sees themselves as being flawed and sometimes, downright ugly. How people with BDD deal with their condition varies from individual to individual. Some hide away within the walls of their home and leave home only under the most extreme circumstances. Some pick elements of their body that they feel are flawed and decide to change them with plastic surgery to be in line with the looks of someone who the world thinks is beautiful. This is clearly the side of the coin that Jenny Lee has chosen, with her modifying different parts of her body to look like Angelina Jolie and Jennifer Lopez.

When asked by Larry King if she ever planned on stopping modifying the way she looked, Jenny replied that she didn’t believe she would ever stop going under the knife, because she liked the way it made her feel.

Her plastic surgeon, who has been responsible for all her procedures to date and who has not been named, has received a lot of flak from fellow plastic surgeons and the public for encouraging Jenny’s Body Dismorphic Disorder and continuing to nip and tuck as and when Jenny requests it.

When asked what her family and friends think of her plastic surgery addiction and what she is doing to her body, Jenny states that she is not the type of person to ask anyone’s opinion when it comes to what she does with her life and that her family know that, ultimately, it is her life to do with as she pleases.

Jenny aspires to be an actress, and thanks to her plastic surgery obsession, has received a lot of free publicity via talk shows like Oprah and Larry King Live. She has done a bit of modelling and acting over the years as well.